Food for Life: The Power of Food For Health, Nutrition, and Cooking Classes
I was selected as one of 24 students to be certified in May of 2017 in the community-based nutrition education program of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM). Students were from all across the U.S. including Hawaii, and had attendees from as far away as Ireland and China!
Spearheaded by Dr. Neal Barnard, and designed by him as well as other physicians, nutrition experts, and registered dietitians, each of our curricula includes information about how certain foods and nutrients work to promote health and fight disease. The classes help translate complex scientific nutrition information into understandable and motivating lessons, with simple and easy meals. Each Food for Life nutrition and cooking class features a nutrition lecture and live cooking demonstration all within a supportive group setting. No pre-packaged food! These classes are to guide attendees to make better decisions when they go to the grocery store and when they prepare meals. Bad, disease-promoting food is all around us, but on the other hand, we have access to the best, most diverse, nutrient-dense foods on the planet. We just have to choose them, learn how to prepare them and enjoy them!
Launched in 2001, the program was started to help cancer survivors take advantage of the healing power of foods. Since then, the program has grown to include classes focused on diabetes, children’s health, healthy weight management, and employee wellness. These classes are taught often as a series from four to seven weeks in length, or as single classes. Occasionally, I hold Food for Life one-day workshops which combines nutrition education, practical tips and hands-on meal preparation by the attendees.

Acquire knowledge about the link between diet and cancer.

Food for Life: Diabetes Initiative
Learn more about the benefits of a plant-based nutrition approach for diabetes prevention, treatment and reversal.

Establish in children knowledge and skills necessary to form healthful habits they can carry well into adulthood.

Food for Life: Healthy Basics
Realize the savings incurred with healthful eating are not only by dollars but also in quality of life.

Food for Life: Nutrition Essentials (no live cooking demonstrations)
Discover the world of health through general topics ranging from digestion to blood pressure.